ISTP Computing:Copyrights

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The Copyright policy (this policy) shall govern the assignment of copyrights to user wiki contributions and to content submitted by the owner (owned content).

I User wiki contributions

You, the copyright holder, hereby agree to: (i) release your work under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0); (ii) that you will facilitate the enforcement of this license; (iii) that you will permit your work to be publicly available and (iv) permit your work to be reused or expanded upon as per this license.

II Owned content

The owner may submit owned content. This content shall be subject to all rights reserved copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission of the copyright holder (subject to copyright law in the United Kingdom).

III Reuse of copyrighted works

Use of copyrighted works that is not subject to a Creative Commons License is not permitted on ISTP Computing (this wiki) unless it qualifies as owned content or has been released into the public domain.

IV Powers

Owners or administrators are vested with powers to remove copyrighted material and block access to history where applicable.

An owner may request assistance from Miraheze to facilitate the removal or blockage to copyrighted content.