Change Network Profile in Windows

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This article will guide you through how to change the network profile for a given network connection on Windows 10.

Windows Power Shell

Microsoft Windows 10 and 11 includes the Windows Power Shell command line for changing a network profile from private to public or vice versa. Follow these steps to change the network profile to/from public as desired:

Open Power Shell Prompt

1. Open up a start menu and type Windows PowerShell

2. Right-click on the icon labelled Windows PowerShell and select Run As Administrator

3. A message will appear, asking if you would like to allow the program to make changes to your device. In most cases, you would want to press "Yes", but always proceed with caution. Running any program with elevated privileges is a security risk.

4. A command prompt will then appear. Follow the steps below to complete the configuration.

Change to private

5(a). In the command line, type the following commands to change the profile to private:[1]

 $Profile = Get-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceAlias Ethernet1
 $Profile.NetworkCategory = "Private"
 Set-NetConnectionProfile -InputObject $Profile

Change to public

5(b). In the command line, type the following commands to change the profile to public:[1]

 $Profile = Get-NetConnectionProfile -InterfaceAlias Ethernet1
 $Profile.NetworkCategory = "Public"
 Set-NetConnectionProfile -InputObject $Profile

